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All Blog Posts With Tag: Dutch Calvinists

Among Karl Barth's greatest enemies were the American and Dutch Calvinists (especially the American Dutch Calvinist Cornelius Van Til and his minions). These 20th century Calvinists were different than the neo-Calvinism popular today because they proudly called themselves Fundamentalists and wished to regress the church and theology back to 16th century […]
Herman Bavinck (source: wikipedia) The Dutch Calvinists, such as Abraham Kuyper, Herman Bavinck, and G.C. Berkouwer, were not paralyzed by the mechanical theories of the Inspiration of Scriptures as their American Calvinist counterparts at old Princeton did with Inerrancy, including Charles Hodge, B.B. Warfield and A.A. Hodge.  In the following brilliant selection from […]