I highly recommend The Mortification of Sin by John Owen with a foreword by J.I. Packer. The longer title of Owen's book is On the Mortification of Sin in Believers, and it is available online in entirety for free (here and here). It's another short and small book with 176 half-sized pages. I highly recommend it!
John Owen (1616 - 1683) was a Reformer who lived a hundred years before Jonathan Edwards, and was a famous Calvinist theologian, and church leader in England. In this book, Owen describes the sinful and fallen condition of man as inescapable, and our only recourse is to put sin to death everyday, even though it is impossible to purge ourselves from our sinful nature. Unless we daily put our sin to death, it will constantly increase and manifest itself in different ways that will overcome us.
John Owen writes everything that should have been written in "Every Man's Battle" series. I highly recommend that you read it today!
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