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Karl Barth 1962 Warfield Lectures (audio)

Karl Barth at Princeton, 1962

The audio from Karl Barth's famous 1962 Warfield lectures at Princeton Seminary is freely available from Princeton Seminary's online library. I received these audio lectures from the moltmanniac, and what I received from him, I pass on to you. Not long ago, Princeton Seminary celebrated the 50th anniversary of Karl Barth's Warfield Lectures.

Karl Barth 1962 Warfield Lectures (audio):

*Please note that this audio is made available as a free resource by the seminary for personal use and is not to be copied or distributed for financial gain.

(Image Source:, used with permission)

Publication date: April 16, 2015
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  1. That’s a great picture! These appear to be substantially the same lectures that are provided in the 1963 vinyl LP set, now published as a CD set by Wipf and Stock:

    A friend of mine gave me the audio files to this, so I’ve briefly compared the two sets of audio. There are a few differences. The audio quality is a little clearer on the LP/CD set; the Princeton audio is a bit muffled. The LP/CD set also includes all five lectures published in Evangelical Theology (chapters 1-5), whereas the Princeton audio (above) has four lectures (missing “The Word” lecture, which is chapter 2 in the book). Otherwise, the content for the four appears to be identical, but the Q/A is different. Also, the Princeton set has the audio for “Karl Barth Meets the Students of Princeton Seminary.” So, my guess is that the LP/CD set is the audio from the University of Chicago, since he gave the same lectures at both places…and he also visited Union Seminary in Richmond, VA, but I don’t know if he gave the same lectures there (probably so).

    Anyway, this is a great benefit (for free!) to students of theology.

    • Kevin,

      I’ve seen free resources like this come and go, so I wanted to jump on it and share it here. I only mirrored the MP3’s but there are also WAV files that are available via the Princeton Library links I provided. The quality may be better for those large files, but I havent verified it.

      Glad you appreciated it, and thanks for following!

    • Hi Kevin, do you know if the Wipf and Stock version includes the words of the people that introduced him each time? If so I would really love to get that.

  2. Who are the students? Do we know any of them?
    “Calvin-Warfield Club”: He-he!

  3. my dad had these tapes when I was a kid. When driving I would often hear these lectures. What is missing from the lectures as they are presented here are the words of those who introduced Barth at each lecture.

    One of those presenters, I remember in particular, was a man (I don’t recall his name) who had been present at a talk that Barth gave when he was a young pastor after the first world war. His talk was entitled “Christ en der Gesellschaft” everyone was expecting him to talk about the Christian in Society (an acceptable translation of this title) but he instead spoke on Christ in Society.

    does anyone have that introduction? (audio or text)
    does anyone know the name of that professor that introduced Barth that night?

    I would be most grateful for your help.

    Rob Cahill

  4. Alas, they no longer seem to be available.

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