Image Source: "Karl Barth Church Dogmatics" by ThinkingLeaders - Own work http://www.thinkingleaders.com/resources/leadership-philosophy-2/karl-barth. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.
Publication date: July 17, 2015
Related: CD I/1, CD I/2, CD II/1, CD II/2, CD III/1, CD III/2, CD III/3, CD III/4, CD IV.1, CD IV/2, CD IV/3.1, CD IV/3.2, CD IV/4, Church Dogmatics, Church Dogmatics I/1, Church Dogmatics I/2, Church Dogmatics II/1, Church Dogmatics II/2, Church Dogmatics III/1, Church Dogmatics III/2, Church Dogmatics III/3, Church Dogmatics III/4, Church Dogmatics IV.1, Church Dogmatics IV/2, Church Dogmatics IV/3.1, Church Dogmatics IV/3.2, Church Dogmatics IV/4, Karl Barth, poll
July 20th, 2015 - 04:06
Color me unsurprised that II.2 and IV.1 dominate, given the field’s decided center of gravity in election–reconciliation. I am, however, surprised that I.2 is up there. I used to have the feeling that I.2 was right down at the bottom of the reading list with III.1 and III.3.
July 20th, 2015 - 10:58
CD I/2 includes the paragraph (§17) on the abolition of religion and the sections on scripture (§14-16) that answer questions that a problematic for Evangelicals. So they may not be as important or influential as CD II/2 or IV/1 but they do address immediate questions. It was interesting results.
July 20th, 2015 - 11:03
Oops, I meant §19-21 (not 14-16)
July 21st, 2015 - 03:25
Ah. That makes sense. Though I really wonder how closely Evangelicals read sections 19-21 on Scripture, if they think it answers questions that are problematic for them…