My good friend Dr. Marty Folsom has published the first volume in his new book-series Karl Barth's Church Dogmatic's For Everyone Vol. 1. Each volume corresponds to a volume of Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics, hence the subtitle "The Doctrine of the Word of God". The book is like a traveler's guide to the Church Dogmatics. It begins by describing the Church Dogmatics from a view from space (which is necessary to see all 8 million words of the Church Dogmatics), then descends to Earth, describing the Church Dogmatics along the way down to the ground.
I'm extra excited about this project because I am contributing in small part to it. In this first volume, I had early access to a manuscript and provided feedback and I contributed graphics like this one. I will be contributing to future volumes as well.
I highly recommend ordering a copy today!
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