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All Blog Posts With Tag: Demythologizing

How are the angels in the Bible different than the Easter Bunny in traditional folklore? In Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics III/3, paragraph §51 "The Kingdom of Heaven, The Ambassadors of God, and their Opponents", he answers that "the angels and the March Hare are two different things" [1] but it […]
Eye-Witness and Myth Eye-witness accounts appear throughout the New Testament, but in the latest (and most dubious) New Testament scriptures distinguish themselves as eye-witnesses reports (ἐπόπται) in antithesis to aberrant myths (μύθοις) (c.f. 1 Tim 1:4, 4:7, 2 Tim 4:4, Tit 1:14, 2 Pet 1:16). In Wolfhart Pannenberg's essay "Myth in Biblical […]