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All Blog Posts With Tag: letters

In the Scriptures, Jesus Christ is said to pray for the whole world. But who is the 'whole world'? I found the following letter in Karl Barth Letters: 1961-1968, where Karl Barth defines the 'whole world' as 'all humans', including all those who do pray and all those who do […]
Karl Barth appeared on a radio program called "What Do You Think, Professor?" near the end of his life (1960's), where he answered bible and theology questions similar to Hank Hanegraaff's old famous radio program "The Bible Answer Man". A caller asked Barth if in light of parapsychology, interaction with the dead […]
The young Friedrich Schleiermacher wrote a "distressing letter" to his father to confess that he no longer affirmed Christian doctrines that his father believed were necessary to obtain salvation: namely, vicarious atonement and the deity of Jesus Christ. The distressing letter, as Schleiermacher titled it, is an icon of de-conversion, especially […]