Stanley Grenz | The PostBarthian
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All Blog Posts With Tag: Stanley Grenz

The Bible rarely addresses homosexuality, and all modern theological and ethical discussions of same-sex relationships are based roughly on six bible passages. In recent decades, theologians have recognized that these six verses are difficult to interpret, and many have questioned the traditional interpretations of them, and whether they apply to same-sex […]
Dr. Stanley J. Grenz (1950-2005) was an American Baptist theologian and a student of Wolfhart Pannenberg. Grenz wrote many excellent books, such as his systematic theology, Theology for the Community of God and others such as Beyond Foundationalism: Shaping Theology in a Postmodern Context (coauthored with Dr. John R. Franke), […]
Stanley Grenz Stanley Grenz wrote a book for Evangelicals that defends egalitarianism and that all aspects of church leadership and all Church offices and ordinations should be open to women. Grenz's book "Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry" is most helpful for Evangelicals that would normally […]
Stanley J. Grenz (1950-2005) was a contemporary Baptist theologian who died tragically early, and had the potential to become a theologian known for centuries. A friend of mine described Grenz as a genius like Karl Barth, but accessible unlike Barth. Grenz wrote many books, the most famous is his systematic theology: […]