How are the angels in the Bible different than the Easter Bunny in traditional folklore? In Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics III/3, paragraph §51 "The Kingdom of Heaven, The Ambassadors of God, and their Opponents", he answers that "the angels and the March Hare are two different things" [1] but it […]
What are angels? Evangelicals are so infatuated with angelic myths, that it's almost impossible to answer! From ancient times, to this very day, the movement of the stars, lightning strikes and earthquakes have been explained by angelic activity, but now all these events may be entirely explained by modern science. […]
Albert Schweitzer [source: wikipedia]Albert Schweitzer loved David Friedrich Strauss, and that's no understatement! In Schweitzer's infamous book, The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede [online text], there are three whole chapters dedicated to introducting D.F. Strauss (Ch. 7), summarizing his Life of Jesus and […]
David Friedrich Strauss (1808 – 1874)[source: wikpedia]The post-Enlightenment period exhausted printing presses with volumes titled, "The Life of Jesus", which used the historical-critical method to uncover the historical Jesus from the exalted Jesus proclaimed by the Church. The landmark and most famous Life of Jesus was David Friedrich Strauss's Das Leben […]
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834) is arguably the most famous and influential Liberal Protestant Theologian, and the influence of his Systematic Theology Christian Faith cannot be understated. Schleiermacher's On Religion was a wild success and is still read in many universities as an excellent introduction to his ideas, which was birthed out of […]