Justification (source: bloomsbury)
Eberhard Jüngel is a Lutheran theologian and Tübingen professor who is author of a book on the doctrine of justification, Justification: The Heart of the Christian Faith. I've been writing about The Legacy of Hans Küng's Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) and asking how to respond to Kung's question: "Is it […]
Eastern Orthodox Icon, Resurrection: Harrowing of Hell (source: wikipedia)
The Johannine Prologue (John 1:1-18) is a purple passage of the bible, and "In the beginning was the Word (λόγος), and the Word (λόγος) was with God, and the Word (λόγος) was God." (John 1:1 RSV) is among the most famous verses in the […]
Hans Küng (1928—) was ordained in 1955, and his doctoral thesis, Justification: La Doctrine de Karl Barth et Une Réflexion Catholique was published in 1957 (Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection, 1964 ET). Justification was Küng's first book and was a study of the Protestant and Roman Catholic teachings on the Doctrine of Justification […]
The Sign of the Gospel: Toward an Evangelical Doctrine of Infant Baptism after Karl Barth by W. Travis McMaken
Karl Barth's rejection of infant baptism is as infamous as it is controversial. Opponents of Barth's doctrine of baptism have defended infant baptism with the historical, covenantal and sacramental arguments, with Oscar Cullmann's Baptism […]
~ Updated and Revised: February 26th, 2019 ~
In the lore of Karl Barth, there are two nursery rhymes that Barth used his great wit to respond to questioners: Karl Barth's musing on the famous lullaby "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" based upon Jane Taylor's poem "The Star", and the second is […]
Karl Barth (Old Age), source: kbarth.org
Karl Barth is notoriously difficult to quote. Is this bad? Nein! Karl Barth won the Sigmund Freud Price in 1968 for his literary style. Barth's literary genre may not easily lend to quotations, however the following ubiquitous quotes appear again and again and attributed to […]
Hans Kung and Karl Barth(source: KBarth.org)
Karl Barth responded to Hans Küng's book, Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection. in the follow letter with this remarkable endorsement of Hans Küng's book! Karl Barth had written in his Church Dogmatics Vol. 4 that only a superficial Protestant would be able to accept the […]
Barth with his brother Peter, his son Markus and Ernst Wolf in Florence, on a happy trip to Italy in September 1934. In Rome Barth wrote his No!, attacking Emil Brunner, and arguing that 'natural theology' was the chief cause of the present confusion in the church. (source: kbarth.org)
In this […]
Unfinished Barcelona Cathedral (Sagrada)
Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics is 8,000 pages and unfinished. Thomas Aquinas' great theological system, The Summa Theologica, is unfinished too. All the medieval summas are unfinished in the same way as the medieval summas are unfinished. The post-magesterial reformers of the 16th and 17th century also produced […]
Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Creation and Fall; Temptation: Two Biblical Studies is short and refreshing commentary on Genesis 1-3. Karl Barth's majestic commentary on these same chapters in the Church Dogmatics III/1 was a complete paradigm shift for how I understood the Doctrine of Creation. However, Barth is far too technical for my friends and […]