I've been told by many people that Martin Luther referred to 2 Corinthians 5:21 as "The Great Exchange." But I've been unable to verify that Luther had ever actually used the term "The Great Exchange."
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in […]
Martin Luther considered "The Bondage of the Will" (In latin: "De Servo Arbitrio" 1525 AD) his best work. You may read it online for free at CCEL. I read the new translation by J.I. Packer and O.R. Johnson, that's about 320pages and has a lengthy...
Here is my "Top Ten List of Most Influential Theologians." I'll quickly stress that the following theologians have influenced me the most, and only contains books that I've read too. I've excluded authors, if I've only read one of their books too. Some...
Prof. F. Bruce Gordon's "Calvin" (amazon) is a new biography of John Calvin released in 2009, which coincides to John Calvin's 500th birthday. I learned about the biography from the 2009 Desiring God National Conference: With Calvin in the Theater of G...
Here I Stand : A Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton is a best selling biography of Martin Luther (amazon). I found a 1955 paperback edition at Half Price Books for a few dollars. My copy has about 300pages and says "Over A Million Sold" on the cov...