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All Blog Posts With Tag: Jürgen Moltmann

How do we know that we understand the Bible when we read it? The word "hermeneutics" refers to the way we read and interpret the Bible, and if our hermeneutical approach is wrong, then we will not understand the Bible. Often disagreements in theology come down to people reading the […]
"Jürgen Moltmann is the greatest living theologian in the world." I said it, everyone said it, we said it together at this week's Unfinished Worlds: Jurgen Moltmann at 90 conference hosted by Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Famous Moltmann experts, authors, and bloggers came from around the world to […]
Unfinished Worlds: Jürgen Moltmann at 90 Conference  I will be live tweeting the Unfinished Worlds: Jürgen Moltmann at 90 conference at Emory (Oct 19 & 20, 2016). Follow me @PostBarthian on twitter and use the hashtag #UWJM for conference related tweets. See you soon in Atlanta!    
Karl Barth is the most famous (and infamous) opponent of Natural Theology in the world. However, in the final volume of the Church Dogmatics, Barth developed a Natural Theology of his own, that he titled "Secular Parables of the Kingdom" (c.f. CD IV/3.1, §69.2 The Light of Life). Did Barth flip-flop on Natural Revelation in […]
Today is the fourteenth anniversary of the September 11th 2001 attacks. I remember studying in the Media Union on the University of Michigan's North Campus in Ann Arbor when it happened. There was a network outage in the computer lab, and I remember that the news websites would not load. […]
The Ethics of Hope is a reoccurring theme at the PostBarthian, and this includes hope for all, not only all people, but all non-human Creation as well, such that nothing is lost in the end when Christ Jesus is all in all (1 Cor 15:28).  What is it that separates Man […]
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the Whole World (1 John 2:2), but what is the Maximum Inclusion of this statement? Does this include all people, as well as animals, plants and rocks? I provided John Calvin's answer in Part One, and Karl Barth's in Part Two, and now, Jürgen […]
Will non-human Creation be saved? Is the blessed hope of resurrection extended to non-human creation? Jürgen Moltmann believes that God has spoken a decisive Yes to not only humanity but all of Creation, such that nothing will be lost. I was able to ask the arguably greatest Theologian alive today […]
Shusaku Endo's Silence is a historical fiction novel about Jesuit priests in 16th century Japan who apostatize for the sake of other Christians. Is it possible to deny Jesus Christ for the ministry of the gospel and is there a ministry of apostatizing? There are examples in the bible, such […]
Jürgen Moltmann (photo from 03.04.2001) Fonte: epd-bild / Gerhard Bäuerle (source: In October 2001, Jürgen Moltmann delivered the Grider-Winget Lecture series at Nazarene Theological Seminary, and these have been digitized and freely provided by the moltmanniac. Lecture 1 (10/8/2001): Part 1, Part 2 Lecture 2 (10/9/2001): Part 1, Part 2 Panel Discussion (10/9/2001): […]