Jürgen Moltmann | The PostBarthian - Part 6
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All Blog Posts With Tag: Jürgen Moltmann

My eyes were first open to Christ Jesus in a Pentecostal church when I was five years old in southern Michigan. I remember being afraid of drowning during the baptismal immersion. I remember the waters were as cold as ice, and then afterwards, violently trembling in the wintry cold basement of […]
The Moltmanniac has shared another set of audio lectures by Jürgen Moltmann that he's received from Princeton Theological Seminary's library: 1976 Lectures on Messianic Life Style, Human Rights, and Liberation.  Jürgen Moltmann's 1976 Lectures on Messianic Life Style, Human Rights, and Liberation (Audio): Messianic Life Style (MP3 Mirror: Part 1, Part 2). The Trinitarian History of […]
The @moltmanniac has shared Jurgen Moltmann's 1979 Warfield Lectures on the Trinity from Princeton Theological Seminary's library. These lectures coupled to Moltmann's excellent book The Trinity and the Kingdom. Download and archive these lectures! From the moltmanniac.com: Below is a listing of the lectures with links to where the audio can be […]
Jürgen Moltmann's The Power for the Powerless: The Word of Liberation For Today is a collection of sermons I'm reading that was recommended by the moltmanniac.com. The following quotation is from the fifth sermon, The New Covenant of Freedom (Jeremiah 31:31-34).  "The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will […]
In Jürgen Moltmann's The Spirit of Life: A Universal Affirmation, he provides a biblical argument for Women in Ministry that is rooted in Joel 2:28-30, 'It shall come to pass in the last days, says the Lord, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters […]
Is God a "She"? Jürgen Moltmann thinks so! Moltmann believes the Holy Spirit should be referred to with feminine attributes and names, such as "she" or "her" or "mother". This may be alarming to some evangelicals today, especially those use gender-inclusive languages for the purpose of scrubbing feminism out of the bible […]
In Jürgen Moltmann's The Ethics of Hope, he writes that "the Nuclear Age is the final age of Man" and 'The one who shoots first dies second.' It is no longer a question of if man will come to an end, but since the first nuclear has been dropped, the question is now, […]
Who will be the next Karl Barth? This person may be out there among us now, or we may have to wait more than a millennium. Barth saw this person from afar, a man who would not merely repeat Barthianism, but would say something incredibly new! A New Creation in […]
I've read over 500 theology books in the last ten years. (Some people read these many books every year!) Of all these books, there are fifteen books that stand apart as guideposts in my journey of exploration in theology. I don't recommend all of these books today, but these books […]
(Revised and updated on March 29th, 2019) What is Jürgen Moltmann's theological method? He says it is Curiosity! A curiosity for adventure and discovery into an unknown country. In the following quotation from the Jurgen Moltmann: Collected Reader, he explains that he is his own theological method, such that theology is a 'journey […]