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All Blog Posts With Tag: Karl Barth

Ten things I hate about Karl Barth: Eschatology: End of Time Doctrine of Creation Doesn't engage Science His relationship with CVK and family controversies Doctrine of Election isn't clear about election of individuals Doctrine of Man and Women is hard on women: patriarchal view of Trinity in commanding father and submitting son Not green enough: Salvation is for […]
Review of my article, "Karl Barth's No to Natural Revelation: Secular Parables of the Kingdom" (Subscribe to my youtube channel to see more videos and follow my periscope channel for upcoming live broad casts).
In this video, I discuss my recent article on Karl Barth and the Achilles' Heel of the Bible. (Subscribe to my youtube channel to see more videos and follow my periscope channel for upcoming live broad casts).
How may we demonstrate that the Bible truly is a witness to the Word of God? By the inner testimony of the Holy Spirit alone! Karl Barth affirms this famous phrase from John Calvin because the only authority that may demonstrate that the Bible is of divine authority is God […]
Karl Barth is the most famous (and infamous) opponent of Natural Theology in the world. However, in the final volume of the Church Dogmatics, Barth developed a Natural Theology of his own, that he titled "Secular Parables of the Kingdom" (c.f. CD IV/3.1, §69.2 The Light of Life). Did Barth flip-flop on Natural Revelation in […]
Karl Barth's Flip-Flop on Homosexuality
(Updated on June 6th, 2016: Karl Barth's source letter has been translated and added as an appendix.) Karl Barth is infamous for his statements against homosexuality in his Church Dogmatics, Vol. III/4 (CD III/4) where he called it a "malady" and a "physical, psychological and social sickness" and a "phenomena of perversion, decadence and decay" and other […]
Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: A Friendship Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an admirer of Karl Barth and his theology long before they became personal friends. Eberhard Bethge was Bonhoeffer's student, friend and biographer. In Bonhoeffer: A Biography, Bethge provides the following outline of Bonhoeffer's friendship with Karl Barth that he describes as developing through […]
Karl Barth (1886-1968) was born May 10th, making today his 130th birthday. To celebrate, I've collected anecdotes from Karl Barth's birthday celebrations from Eberhard Busch's Karl Barth: His Life from Letters and Autobiographical Texts. After the Church Dogmatics were printed, Barth's birthdays were celebrated world wide and in great fanfare, building up […]
Karl Barth vs Rudolf Bultmann: Civil War
Karl Barth vs Rudolf Bultmann: Civil War
(This is an expanded edition of an article that was originally published at  Evangelicals today are faced with many hard questions on the doctrine of creation, such as how the biblical creation stories are reconciled with evolutionary science, how to interpret the creation stories in the Bible, and whether there was […]