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All Blog Posts With Tag: Karl Barth

The Origin of the Dictation Theory of Inspiration In the Post-Reformation era, a century after the deaths of Martin Luther, John Calvin and the first and second generation reformers, the doctrine of inspiration of the Scriptures evolved into a dictation theory of inspiration, in which the biblical writers were the very […]
Karl Barth's rejection of infant baptism (paedobaptism) in his doctrine of baptism (CD IV/4) is infamous. Barth was a professor and pastor within the Swiss Reformed church, and the Reformed tradition has strongly affirmed the baptism of infants from its earliest days (c.f John Calvin's Institutes 4.16), and had persecuted […]
How may any Christian support capital punishment, with the knowledge that Jesus Christ had died for their sins? (1 Corinthians 15:3) Karl Barth argues that it is an astonishing fact that the Church has not unilaterally opposed the death penalty worldwide, and that after two millennia of Church history and […]
Karl Barth famously argued that the Christian hope is for eternal life and not for afterlife because afterlife is a "pagan dream of good times after death" like the vikings who longed to drink ale and feast in the halls of Valhalla with Odin and the norse gods forever. If the […]
On Good Friday in 1957, Karl Barth preached to the Basel prisoners (as he often did) a sermon he titled "Criminals with Him" based on Luke 23:33: "They crucified him with the criminals, one on either side of him." I've heard many Good Friday sermons that either focus on the […]
The Way to Life: Sermons in a Time of World Crisis is a collection of sermons by Helmut Gollwitzer (an assistant of Karl Barth), and one of which is an excellent exposition of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) that exemplifies how to preach etiological saga in the Old Testament […]
Trip to America in 1962 In 1962 and at the age of 75, Karl Barth was Coming to America at last! Barth had recently retired from the University of Basel and decided to take a seven week trip to lecture throughout the United States. [1]. Barth's trip to America introduced him […]
The Church Dogmatics, Vol III: Doctrine of Creation After World War II ended, Karl Barth's participation in the Confessing Church diminished. His academic work at the University of Basel allowed Barth to continue his magnum opus the Church Dogmatics that he had begun in 1932. In this Part 6, I will discuss […]
John Calvin's proof for existence of Satan In the Institutes of the Christian Religion I.14.17, John Calvin argues that the devil (or satan) and demons must exist in the world, because there must exist an agent that mediates between the goodness of god and the evil happenings in the world, such […]
After March 26th, 1935 Karl Barth was deported from Nazi Germany via police escort to Switzerland because he refused to sign the Nazi "Oath of Loyalty" without modification to Adolf Hitler (also known as "Hitler's Oath"). After arriving in Switzerland, Barth became the Professor of Systematic Theology at the University […]