Jesus is Risen and the Tomb is Empty are often asserted together, but they are two distinct statements: Jesus is Risen is an article of faith but the Empty Tomb is a Passion narrative that may be demythologized. Barth explains the difference between these two statements when he says: "Christians do not believe in […]
I've assembled quotations from three of Karl Barth's books to explain his robust Doctrine of Adam: The Church Dogmatics Vol. IV.1 §60, Christ and Adam: Man and Humanity in Romans 5, and The Epistle to the Romans (Romans II). I've assembled ten statements on Adam to summarized the following quotations from Barth's […]
Who will be the next Karl Barth? This person may be out there among us now, or we may have to wait more than a millennium. Barth saw this person from afar, a man who would not merely repeat Barthianism, but would say something incredibly new! A New Creation in […]
Welcome sign to Hell, Michigan (source: wikipedia)
The doctrine of predestination has undergone substantial renovation and development over time. Augustine and Thomas considered election and reprobation as two separate dogmas, where the active election of men from the mass of perdition was a distinctive act that is separate from the act […]
I've read over 500 theology books in the last ten years. (Some people read these many books every year!) Of all these books, there are fifteen books that stand apart as guideposts in my journey of exploration in theology. I don't recommend all of these books today, but these books […]
(Revised and updated on March 29th, 2019)
What is Jürgen Moltmann's theological method? He says it is Curiosity! A curiosity for adventure and discovery into an unknown country. In the following quotation from the Jurgen Moltmann: Collected Reader, he explains that he is his own theological method, such that theology is a 'journey […]
Noah mosaic (source: wikipedia)
What is the literature genre of "saga"? Karl Barth identifies the Creation accounts as an examples of the saga genre. Saga is not limited to the Proto-History of Genesis; it is utilized throughout the scriptures. See, for an example, Karl Barth's use of saga in his exposition of the Twelve Spies in the Land […]
Marcion of Sinope (source: wikipedia)
Marcion of Sinope (c. 85—160) is the Arch-Heretic according to the universal consensus of the [early] Church. Marcion (pronounced "Martian") is an alien to the Christian Church, but not because he is a green extraterrestrial from Mars. Marcion is the greatest heretic of all time, even greater than […]
The Top 5 Posts of 2014:
1. A Letter from Jürgen Moltmann
A personal letter that I received from Moltmann answering questions on how to apply the Crucified God for pastoring parents who have lost young children.
2. Karl Barth's Letter to Jürgen Moltmann and related correspondences
Barth's full correspondence with Moltmann.
3. Karl Barth's Doctrine of […]
Nativity of the Lord, Icon by St. Andrei Rublev (1405), Cathedral of the Annunciation, Moscow Kremlin. (source: wikipedia)
Karl Barth believed in the Virgin Birth. Barth's theological nemesis Emil Brunner did not and most all of Barth's heirs chose to follow Emil Brunner's famous rejection of the Virgin Birth. Wolfhart Pannenberg sided with Brunner and rejected […]