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All Blog Posts With Tag: Karl Barth

Comparison of a human child skeleton to a chimpanzee Skeleton on display at the American Museum of Natural History The Moltmanniac is my favorite blog on the internet, and he had an excellent post on "I don't BELIEVE in evolution but think it is probably true" that was incredibly helpful, and recently, […]
~ Updated and Revised: February 21st, 2019 ~ Karl Barth and Emil Brunner is the greatest tragedy since Romeo and Juliet. The friendship between Barth and Brunner is nearly as famous as its tragic demise. Brunner's famous essay "Nature and Grace" was responded to with a loud "Nein!" by Karl Barth that […]
Wolfhart Pannenberg speaking at a CDU conference in Bonn, 1983 In Wolfhart Pannenberg's famous Christology book, Jesus: God and Man, he provided an impressive outline of how Christology as a dogma had developed historically. All Christian doctrines develop over time as the Church revises its talk about God, as Karl Barth would […]
In the Göttingen Dogmatics, Karl Barth wrote that "No one reads the Bible directly. We all read it through a set of glasses, whether we want to or not..." Biblicism is the use of the Bible against Church History, and it is preference one's private interpretation of the bible over and against what the […]
Update: An revised version of this article is available: Karl Barth on the Disorder of Rebaptism Karl Barth with his first great grandchild, Olivier Schopfer, in 1962. In the following letter, Karl Barth says that he was baptized as an infant, and that he refused to be rebaptized for 79 years, and […]
~ Updated and Revised: February 26th, 2019 ~ John Calvin confessed that the doctrine of Double Predestination was a horrible and dreadful decree in his Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvin believed that the scriptures taught that God made an "absolute decree" (latin. decretum absolutum) before the foundation of the world that […]
The First Ecumenical Council George Hunsinger's book, Eucharist and Ecumenism: Let Us Keep the Feast (Current Issues in Theology), is a magisterial work on both the Eucharist and on Ecumenism. It's significantly changed how I view other Christian Church traditions, and caused me to embrace Transelementation as the the correct view of […]
Orthodox and Modern: Studies in the Theology of Karl Barth, by Bruce L. McCormack Friedrich Schleiermacher was a Calvinist, and although he is known as the father of Liberal Protestantism for his definition of god as "a feeling of absolute dependence", he was nevertheless a Calvinist and John Calvin was his […]
Jurgen Moltmann's "Ethics of Hope" Jürgen Moltmann wrote his recent book, The Ethics of Hope, as a companion to his infamous, Theology of Hope. Karl Barth requested such a book as this in his review of the Theology of Hope in his personal letter reviewing it, where Barth wrote: "your book […]
Karl Barth Karl Barth and Jürgen Moltmann had a very famous correspondence of letters in the 1960's. Unfortunately, many only read Barth's response to Moltmann without correct context and conclude that Barth sent Moltmann only a scathing letter of rejection, and this couldn't be farther from the truth. The following letters are […]