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All Blog Posts With Tag: Jürgen Moltmann

In the United States, mass shootings are a common occurrence, and it is difficult to know how to respond to this pattern of violence. Jürgen Moltmann says that Christians have responded to violence in three ways. The first way is the traditional one, and is responding to violence with violence, […]
Jürgen Moltmann said that the Anabaptists "were the only Reformation movement by faith alone" because "the Anabaptists rejected the foundations of the Christian state religion." Moltmann argues that Constantine had united the Church with the Holy Roman Empire, and salvation was mediated through it. The Anabaptists were the only ones […]
Read my article on Jürgen Moltmann on Evolution as God's Continuous Creation at BioLogos now! 
In Jürgen Moltmann's Introduction to Christian Theology, he expresses the necessity of the resurrection of Jesus as an event of history. Moltmann believes that the resurrection gave birth to the Church, the Gospels, and the entire Christian faith. Moltmann does not believe that the Christian faith began with the Easter […]
Jürgen Moltmann's definition of Original Sin Jürgen Moltmann defines Original sin as the hubris and presumption of humanity to be like God, but also humanity's resignation and laziness to not be like God's image on earth. Christian theology has traditionally defined Original Sin as the rebellion of man against God, but […]
Time and Eternity Time and Eternity is a challenging theological puzzle to understand (and explain!) Biblical speaking, Eternity is not the same as endless-Time. Time is a one-way arrow of successive moments that started 'in the beginning' (Gen 1:1) that runs irreversibly forward until the 'last day' when 'time shall be no more' […]
In his Introduction to Christian Theology lectures at Duke in 1968, Jürgen Moltmann keenly observed that the Church's presentation of the Gospel has shifted from proclamation to personal invitation. Moltmann quotes an American Baptist declaration to demonstrate this shift has had the unintended consequence of diminishing the Christian Gospel to an […]
[The Errors of Inerrancy: A ten-part series on why Biblical Inerrancy censors the Scriptures and divides Evangelicals.] The Errors of Inerrancy #9: Inerrancy turns the Bible into a Paper Pope. Biblical Inerrancy not only causes misunderstanding of the Bible, it also causes misuse of the Bible. When Biblical Inerrancy abolishes the distinction between […]
Jürgen Moltmann, Karl Barth, and Wolfhart Pannenberg by Thor Rasmussen My longtime friend and talented artist, Thor Rasmussen, graciously created these amazing illustrations of Jürgen Moltmann, Karl Barth and Wolfhart Pannenberg. I've always loved Thor's artwork, especially his illustrations and asked him to create these illustrations of three of my favorite theologians, in […]
Karl Barth proposed that the Trinitarian formula of "one God in three persons" be updated to "one God in three modes of being" (or "... ways of being"). Is Barth teaching Sabellian modalism? No! The reason for the change, is that Barth believed that the word "person" has substantially changed in meaning to include an "attribute […]